Sculptor Kris Kuksi
Kris Kuksi Sculpture are famous for its deciption of dark,death themes. Kris Kuksi (Chris Kuksi) was born in Springfield, Missouri, USA in 1973, obsessed with the creepy art of childhood, like intricate sculpture art, through the collection, processing, cutting, remodeling and creating a lot of rich Dramatic work of art.
Kuksi’s work is beautiful, dark, mysterious, and contains a great deal of detail. It was created through a mix of mixed media, adding texture and physicality to the work. It was four and a half feet high and three and a half feet wide and looked like an altar or monument.
Sculpture from this artist
The sculpture hangs on the wall like a vision of a vast world, a warning, a revelation, a collective soul. The work is striking from a distance, the formal balance playful yet contained and elegant. It evokes the meaning that draws the viewer into its chaos. The history unfolding in its depths and the reverence found in the invented iconographic taxonomy.
These sculptures have all the conquests of the imagination, sex and death, heroic death, gaze and oblivion, tragic figures recreating the mistakes that humanity continues to make, pursuits, visions, warriors, prophets, mystics, children – you name it Archetypes of attachment, archetypes projected onto you, archetypes that ditch history and continue to fascinate in a different context.